EMED Service nutzen Rezept hochladen und bestellen

Opening Hours:


Monday - Friday:

07:30 am – 07:00 pm



08:00 am – 12:00 noon


24-hour pharmacy information line

Phone: 1455

Travel Medicine


We offer all-round professional consultation regarding medical coverage for travelling, especially vaccination.


As a special service you can provide us upfront with all your travel data and we’ll provide a specialized consultation during your next visit to our pharmacy. To make things quicker, please bring your current vaccination pass with you.


The following information is required:


·        Age and weight of traveller

·        Date of start your journey and duration of stay

·        Destination

·        Type of journey (e.g. hotel, individual tour, group tours, etc.)


We also provide you with a checklist for your personal travel medicine chest. Additional consultation is available in person and free of charge in our pharmacy.